AbstractJoint<JointType extends Joint, JointDefType extends JointDef> | TODO document |
AbstractListOverlay<Item> | An abstract overlay that supports displaying elements in a list of arbitrary objects. |
AbstractListOverlay.AnnotationDecorator | |
ActivityStarter | Starts another screen or activity for the user and slides it into view. |
Actor | An Actor is an object (or character) that exists in a "microworld". |
Actor | A small "adaptor" class that provides Greenfoot-style methods for some Actor features. |
ActorProgram<MyActor extends ProgrammableActor> | Represents an actor program--that is, a sequence of actions on a programmable actor to control its behavior. |
Anchor |
An |
AnimationTimingsDemo | |
AutoCompleteTextView<E> | A subclass of android.widget.AutoCompleteTextView that is easier to use. |
BackAndForthData | |
BackAndForthScreenOne | Write a one-sentence summary of your class here. |
BackAndForthScreenTwo | |
Ball | A paddle in the Breakout game. |
Ball | The ball in the Pong game. |
Bird | Represents a bird in the Irritated Avians game. |
Block | Represents a block, which will block a Light-Bot unless the robot jumps on it. |
BreakoutScreen | An implementation of the classic Breakout game, using Sofia shapes, animation, and collision detection. |
Brick | A brick in the Breakout game. |
Color | Represents a color, which is composed of red, green, blue, and alpha components, which are integers between 0 and 255. |
CompassDirection | Represents the four cardinal directions of the compass. |
CompositeShapeDemo | |
ConnectFour | An implementation of the Connect Four board game. |
ContentViewer | Presents a full-screen viewer for content on the device. |
CoordinateSystem | Allows the user to modify the coordinate system of a ShapeView (or a ShapeScreen). |
CopyableGeometry<T> |
DecoratingAdapter<E> | An adapter that uses decoration through annotations to display elements in a list view or spinner. |
DemoLauncher | A launcher for the other demos in the project. |
DirectionalPad | An on-screen directional pad (d-pad) suitable for games, based on the cross-shaped d-pad used on classic console game systems. |
DistanceJoint | TODO document |
ElasticInInterpolator | |
ElasticInOutInterpolator | |
ElasticOutInterpolator |
FillableShape | An abstract class that represents shapes that can be filled when they are drawn, and for which the fill color can be set independently of the shape's other color (for the stroke). |
FillableShape.Animator<AnimatorType extends Animator<AnimatorType>> | Provides animation support for shapes. |
FlexibleContentView |
A view that takes an arbitrary |
Flower | Represents a winsum flower, the Jeroo's primary food source. |
Geometry | This class contains various geometry-related static helper methods. |
GestureDemo | |
Greenfoot | A small "adaptor" class that provides Greenfoot-style static methods for some Sofia features. |
GreenfootImage | A small "adaptor" class that allows client code to use the class name GreenfootImage instead of just Image. |
HelloWorldDemo | The archetypal "Hello World" program. |
Image | Represents a single bitmapped image, such as one loaded from a file. |
InspectorScreen | |
IrritatedAviansScreen | The main screen for the totally not copyright infringing Irritated Avians game. |
Island | Represents an island where Jeroos live (e.g., Santong Island). |
Jeroo | Represents a Jeroo on Santong Island. |
Joint | TODO document |
JoystickDemo | Demonstrates the use of the joystick and directional pads. |
Level | Represents a level of a Light-Bot-style game. |
Level1 | Represents Level 1 of a Light-Bot-style game. |
Level2 | Represents Level 2 of a Light-Bot-style game. |
Level3 | Represents Level 3 of a Light-Bot-style game. |
Level6 | Represents Level 3 of a Light-Bot-style game. |
LightableTile | Represents a tile (possibly on top of a block) that can be lighted by a Light-Bot. |
LightBot | Represents a Light-Bot. |
LineShape | A shape that is drawn as a line between two points. |
ListDemo | |
ListScreen<E> |
ListView<E> | A subclass of android.widget.ListView that is easier to use. |
LocationTracker | TODO document |
LocationTracker.Accuracy | Indicates the desired accuracy used for location tracking. |
LocationTracker.Power | TODO comment |
MapBalloonView | |
MapScreen | Due to implementation details in the Android library, MapScreen
cannot actually extend the Screen class. |
MarkerOverlay<Item> | An overlay that displays one or more markers on a map, from a list of arbitrary objects. |
MediaChooser | Allows the user to choose a piece of media (such as an image or a video) from the media gallery on his or her device. |
MediaUtils | Utility methods to make working with the built-in Android media gallery easier for students. |
MotionStep | |
MP3 | |
MultiTouchDotsDemo |
Net | Represents a net on Santong Island. |
Observable | A base class for classes that want to send out change notifications using the "observer" pattern. |
ObservableList<E> | An implementation of the List interface that is Observable and notifies its observers whenever the collection is changed. |
ObservableTest | |
OptionsMenu | Use this annotation on a subclass of Screen to specify the menu resource that should be loaded when the user presses the Menu button. |
OvalShape | A shape that is drawn as an oval. |
Paddle | A paddle in the Breakout game. |
Paddle | A paddle in the Pong game. |
Persistent | Indicates that a field in a Screen subclass should be saved to disk when the activity is dismissed and restored the next time the activity is started. |
Persistor | Provides custom persistence support for objects of the annotated class. |
PhotoCamera | Allows the user to take a photo using the camera on his or her device. |
Pig | Represents a pig in the Irritated Avians game. |
PointAndAnchor | A PointAndAnchor encapsulates a PointF denoting a location
on a shape canvas and an Anchor that indicates how a shape should be
anchored to that point. |
PongScreen | An implementation of the classic Pong game, using Sofia shapes, animation, and collision detection. |
Predicate<T> | Predicates are used to specify numeric (and other) criteria when filtering shapes. |
Program | Represents a program (or script)--that is, a sequence of actions on a programmable micro-world object to control its behavior. |
ProgrammableActor | Represents an Actor that is controlled by its own program--that is, a predefined sequence of behavior played out over time. |
ProgrammableWorld | Represents a World that is controlled by a program--that is, a predefined sequence of behavior played out over time. |
Property | |
PropertyEditor | |
PropertyTransformer | Write a one-sentence summary of your class here. |
ProvidesMarkerContent | Indicates that a MarkerOverlay should use the annotated method to retrieve the object's content when displaying a pop-up balloon for the marker. |
ProvidesMarkerGeoPoint | Indicates that a MarkerOverlay should use the annotated method to retrieve the object's location on the map. |
ProvidesMarkerImage | Indicates that a MarkerOverlay should use the annotated method to retrieve the marker image to be displayed on the map for the object. |
ProvidesMarkerLatitude | Indicates that a MarkerOverlay should use the annotated method to retrieve the latitude component of the object's location on the map. |
ProvidesMarkerLongitude | Indicates that a MarkerOverlay should use the annotated method to retrieve the longitude component of the object's location on the map. |
ProvidesSubtitle | Indicates which method should be called on an object to provide its subtitle in a ListView, Spinner, or some other widget that uses decoration to render arbitrary objects. |
ProvidesTitle | Indicates which method should be called on an object to provide its title in a ListView, Spinner, or some other widget that uses decoration to render arbitrary objects. |
Random | This subclass of java.util.Random adds extra methods useful for testing purposes. |
RectangleShape | A shape that is drawn as a rectangle. |
RelativeDirection | Represents the four relative directions for turning or looking. |
RepeatMode | Defines how an animation repeats itself. |
ResolvableGeometry<T> | |
RevoluteJoint | TODO document |
RotateGestureDetector | Detects transformation gestures involving more than one pointer ("multitouch") using the supplied MotionEvents. |
RotateGestureDetector.OnRotateGestureListener | The listener for receiving notifications when gestures occur. |
RotateGestureDetector.SimpleOnRotateGestureListener | A convenience class to extend when you only want to listen for a subset of rotation-related events. |
RouteOverlay<Item> | An overlay that displays a line on a map that connects the items in a list of arbitrary objects. |
Screen | The Screen class represents a single screen in an Android
application. |
ScreenLayout | Use this annotation on a subclass of Screen to specify the layout resource that should be inflated when that screen is displayed. |
ScreenMethods |
Lists the common methods that are provided by classes like Screen,
MapScreen, and other " |
Shape | The base class for all types of shapes that can be drawn on a ShapeView. |
Shape.Animator<AnimatorType extends Animator<AnimatorType>> | Provides animation support for shapes. |
Shape.Filter<FilterType extends Animator<FilterType>> | |
ShapeField | A shape field is a shape set that also provides (optional) real-time physics simulation. |
ShapeFilter<ShapeType extends Shape> | TODO: document. |
ShapeLayoutDemo | |
ShapeManipulating | Methods that manipulate shapes by adding or removing them from their parent, such as a ShapeView or a CompositeShape. |
ShapeMotion | Determines the physical nature of a shape and how it is simulated and how it responds to forces. |
ShapeParent | An interface implemented by classes that can contain a list of shapes, such as a ShapeView. |
ShapeQuerying | Methods that query shapes based on position, intersection, or other properties. |
ShapeScreen |
ShapeSet<ShapeType extends Shape> | Represents a collection of Shape objects held in drawing order, based on z-index. |
ShapeView | Represents a view containing drawn Shape objects. |
SizeF | A class used elsewhere in Sofia that holds two float coordinates representing the width and height of an object. |
Snowman | |
SoundPlayer | This class provides a simple interface for playing basic sounds (such as notification chimes or game play effects) in a Sofia application. |
SoundPlayerDemo | TODO document |
Spinner<E> | A subclass of android.widget.Spinner that is easier to use. |
StrokedShape | An abstract class that represents shapes that include a stroke or outline when they are drawn. |
StrokedShape.Animator<AnimatorType extends Animator<AnimatorType>> | Provides animation support for shapes. |
TestCase | This class provides some customized behavior beyond the features of student.TestCase to support testing of sofia micro-world applications. |
TextShape | A shape that renders a text string on the canvas. |
TextShape.Animator<AnimatorType extends Animator<AnimatorType>> | Provides animation support for shapes. |
Tile | Represents a block or lightable tile in the Light-Bot world. |
Timer | This class provides a very simple API for calling methods either once or repeatedly after a delay. |
Timings | This class provides static helper methods that provide friendlier names for timing functions (interpolators) used in animations. |
ViewEdges | Represents one or more of the four edges of a view, used with collision detection. |
Water | Represents a patch of water on/around Santong Island. |
World | Represents a "microworld" containing Actors and rendered on a screen. |
World | A small "adaptor" class that provides Greenfoot-style methods for some World features. |
WorldScreen | Represents a screen containing a single WorldView, to be used as the parent for "microworld" applications. |
WorldStoppedException | A special exception that can be thrown by actors or the world in order to stop the simulation with a message. |
WorldView | Represents a view containing a World and its Actor objects. |
ZIndexComparator | A comparator for shapes that orders them by increasing z-index, or for identical z-indices, orders them by increasing insertion time (i.e., newer shapes are after older shapes). |