public abstract @interface


implements Annotation

Class Overview

Indicates that a MarkerOverlay should use the annotated method to retrieve the marker image to be displayed on the map for the object.

The method bearing this annotation must be public, take no arguments, and return one of the following types:

A bitmap image. The bitmap will be centered on the location of the object. No scaling will be performed.
A Drawable object (such as a BitmapDrawable). The drawable is drawn respecting its bounds, which allows you to position it in a manner other than the center (for example, the bottom-center, for "pin" images).
A drawable resource identifier. This is similar to the previous option, except that the drawable will be loaded from the application's resources rather than being created programatically.

If the annotated method returns null, then the default marker (a red pin with an appearance similar to the one in the built-in Maps application) will be used instead.


Inherited Methods
From interface java.lang.annotation.Annotation