Use Tree Navigation
public class


extends Object

Class Overview

Represents a color, which is composed of red, green, blue, and alpha components, which are integers between 0 and 255. Color objects are immutable – once one is created, it is not not possible to change its color components. Methods like brighter() and darker() return a new color rather than modify the receiver.

Colors cannot be created using a constructor. Instead, there are a few static factory methods that you can call to obtain instances of this class. These methods let you get a color by:

In traditional Android programming, colors are merely represented as plain integers, and the class provides static helper methods for manipulating those colors. This Color class treats colors as actual objects, with useful methods on the objects themselves to manipulate them. If you need to pass a Color object to a traditional Android method that expects a color integer, use the toRawColor() method. Likewise, to create a Color object from an integer retrieved from a traditional Android API, use the fromRawColor(int) static factory method.


public static final Color aliceBlue
The named color "Alice blue" (HTML color code #F0F8FF).
public static final Color antiqueWhite
The named color "Antique white" (HTML color code #FAEBD7).
public static final Color aqua
The named color "Aqua" (HTML color code #00FFFF).
public static final Color aquamarine
The named color "Aquamarine" (HTML color code #7FFFD4).
public static final Color azure
The named color "Azure" (HTML color code #F0FFFF).
public static final Color beige
The named color "Beige" (HTML color code #F5F5DC).
public static final Color bisque
The named color "Bisque" (HTML color code #FFE4C4).
public static final Color black
The named color "Black" (HTML color code #000000).
public static final Color blanchedAlmond
The named color "Blanched almond" (HTML color code #FFEBCD).
public static final Color blue
The named color "Blue" (HTML color code #0000FF).
public static final Color blueViolet
The named color "Blue violet" (HTML color code #8A2BE2).
public static final Color brown
The named color "Brown" (HTML color code #A52A2A).
public static final Color burlyWood
The named color "Burly wood" (HTML color code #DEB887).
public static final Color cadetBlue
The named color "Cadet blue" (HTML color code #5F9EA0).
public static final Color chartreuse
The named color "Chartreuse" (HTML color code #7FFF00).
public static final Color chocolate
The named color "Chocolate" (HTML color code #D2691E).
public static final Color clear A convenience value representing a clear/transparent color.
public static final Color coral
The named color "Coral" (HTML color code #FF7F50).
public static final Color cornflowerBlue
The named color "Cornflower blue" (HTML color code #6495ED).
public static final Color cornsilk
The named color "Cornsilk" (HTML color code #FFF8DC).
public static final Color crimson
The named color "Crimson" (HTML color code #DC143C).
public static final Color cyan
The named color "Cyan" (HTML color code #00FFFF).
public static final Color darkBlue
The named color "Dark blue" (HTML color code #00008B).
public static final Color darkCyan
The named color "Dark cyan" (HTML color code #008B8B).
public static final Color darkGoldenRod
The named color "Dark golden rod" (HTML color code #B8860B).
public static final Color darkGray
The named color "Dark gray" (HTML color code #A9A9A9).
public static final Color darkGreen
The named color "Dark green" (HTML color code #006400).
public static final Color darkKhaki
The named color "Dark khaki" (HTML color code #BDB76B).
public static final Color darkMagenta
The named color "Dark magenta" (HTML color code #8B008B).
public static final Color darkOliveGreen
The named color "Dark olive green" (HTML color code #556B2F).
public static final Color darkOrange
The named color "Dark orange" (HTML color code #FF8C00).
public static final Color darkOrchid
The named color "Dark orchid" (HTML color code #9932CC).
public static final Color darkRed
The named color "Dark red" (HTML color code #8B0000).
public static final Color darkSalmon
The named color "Dark salmon" (HTML color code #E9967A).
public static final Color darkSeaGreen
The named color "Dark sea green" (HTML color code #8FBC8F).
public static final Color darkSlateBlue
The named color "Dark slate blue" (HTML color code #483D8B).
public static final Color darkSlateGray
The named color "Dark slate gray" (HTML color code #2F4F4F).
public static final Color darkTurquoise
The named color "Dark turquoise" (HTML color code #00CED1).
public static final Color darkViolet
The named color "Dark violet" (HTML color code #9400D3).
public static final Color deepPink
The named color "Deep pink" (HTML color code #FF1493).
public static final Color deepSkyBlue
The named color "Deep sky blue" (HTML color code #00BFFF).
public static final Color dimGray
The named color "Dim gray" (HTML color code #696969).
public static final Color dodgerBlue
The named color "Dodger blue" (HTML color code #1E90FF).
public static final Color fireBrick
The named color "Fire brick" (HTML color code #B22222).
public static final Color floralWhite
The named color "Floral white" (HTML color code #FFFAF0).
public static final Color forestGreen
The named color "Forest green" (HTML color code #228B22).
public static final Color fuchsia
The named color "Fuchsia" (HTML color code #FF00FF).
public static final Color gainsboro
The named color "Gainsboro" (HTML color code #DCDCDC).
public static final Color ghostWhite
The named color "Ghost white" (HTML color code #F8F8FF).
public static final Color gold
The named color "Gold" (HTML color code #FFD700).
public static final Color goldenRod
The named color "Golden rod" (HTML color code #DAA520).
public static final Color gray
The named color "Gray" (HTML color code #808080).
public static final Color green
The named color "Green" (HTML color code #008000).
public static final Color greenYellow
The named color "Green yellow" (HTML color code #ADFF2F).
public static final Color honeyDew
The named color "Honey dew" (HTML color code #F0FFF0).
public static final Color hotPink
The named color "Hot pink" (HTML color code #FF69B4).
public static final Color indianRed
The named color "Indian red" (HTML color code #CD5C5C).
public static final Color indigo
The named color "Indigo" (HTML color code #4B0082).
public static final Color ivory
The named color "Ivory" (HTML color code #FFFFF0).
public static final Color khaki
The named color "Khaki" (HTML color code #F0E68C).
public static final Color lavender
The named color "Lavender" (HTML color code #E6E6FA).
public static final Color lavenderBlush
The named color "Lavender blush" (HTML color code #FFF0F5).
public static final Color lawnGreen
The named color "Lawn green" (HTML color code #7CFC00).
public static final Color lemonChiffon
The named color "Lemon chiffon" (HTML color code #FFFACD).
public static final Color lightBlue
The named color "Light blue" (HTML color code #ADD8E6).
public static final Color lightCoral
The named color "Light coral" (HTML color code #F08080).
public static final Color lightCyan
The named color "Light cyan" (HTML color code #E0FFFF).
public static final Color lightGoldenRodYellow
The named color "Light golden rod yellow" (HTML color code #FAFAD2).
public static final Color lightGray
The named color "Light gray" (HTML color code #D3D3D3).
public static final Color lightGreen
The named color "Light green" (HTML color code #90EE90).
public static final Color lightPink
The named color "Light pink" (HTML color code #FFB6C1).
public static final Color lightSalmon
The named color "Light salmon" (HTML color code #FFA07A).
public static final Color lightSeaGreen
The named color "Light sea green" (HTML color code #20B2AA).
public static final Color lightSkyBlue
The named color "Light sky blue" (HTML color code #87CEFA).
public static final Color lightSlateGray
The named color "Light slate gray" (HTML color code #778899).
public static final Color lightSteelBlue
The named color "Light steel blue" (HTML color code #B0C4DE).
public static final Color lightYellow
The named color "Light yellow" (HTML color code #FFFFE0).
public static final Color lime
The named color "Lime" (HTML color code #00FF00).
public static final Color limeGreen
The named color "Lime green" (HTML color code #32CD32).
public static final Color linen
The named color "Linen" (HTML color code #FAF0E6).
public static final Color magenta
The named color "Magenta" (HTML color code #FF00FF).
public static final Color maroon
The named color "Maroon" (HTML color code #800000).
public static final Color mediumAquamarine
The named color "Medium aquamarine" (HTML color code #66CDAA).
public static final Color mediumBlue
The named color "Medium blue" (HTML color code #0000CD).
public static final Color mediumOrchid
The named color "Medium orchid" (HTML color code #BA55D3).
public static final Color mediumPurple
The named color "Medium purple" (HTML color code #9370D8).
public static final Color mediumSeaGreen
The named color "Medium sea green" (HTML color code #3CB371).
public static final Color mediumSlateBlue
The named color "Medium slate blue" (HTML color code #7B68EE).
public static final Color mediumSpringGreen
The named color "Medium spring green" (HTML color code #00FA9A).
public static final Color mediumTurquoise
The named color "Medium turquoise" (HTML color code #48D1CC).
public static final Color mediumVioletRed
The named color "Medium violet red" (HTML color code #C71585).
public static final Color midnightBlue
The named color "Midnight blue" (HTML color code #191970).
public static final Color mintCream
The named color "Mint cream" (HTML color code #F5FFFA).
public static final Color mistyRose
The named color "Misty rose" (HTML color code #FFE4E1).
public static final Color moccasin
The named color "Moccasin" (HTML color code #FFE4B5).
public static final Color navajoWhite
The named color "Navajo white" (HTML color code #FFDEAD).
public static final Color navy
The named color "Navy" (HTML color code #000080).
public static final Color oldLace
The named color "Old lace" (HTML color code #FDF5E6).
public static final Color olive
The named color "Olive" (HTML color code #808000).
public static final Color oliveDrab
The named color "Olive drab" (HTML color code #6B8E23).
public static final Color orange
The named color "Orange" (HTML color code #FFA500).
public static final Color orangeRed
The named color "Orange red" (HTML color code #FF4500).
public static final Color orchid
The named color "Orchid" (HTML color code #DA70D6).
public static final Color paleGoldenRod
The named color "Pale golden rod" (HTML color code #EEE8AA).
public static final Color paleGreen
The named color "Pale green" (HTML color code #98FB98).
public static final Color paleTurquoise
The named color "Pale turquoise" (HTML color code #AFEEEE).
public static final Color paleVioletRed
The named color "Pale violet red" (HTML color code #D87093).
public static final Color papayaWhip
The named color "Papaya whip" (HTML color code #FFEFD5).
public static final Color peachPuff
The named color "Peach puff" (HTML color code #FFDAB9).
public static final Color peru
The named color "Peru" (HTML color code #CD853F).
public static final Color pink
The named color "Pink" (HTML color code #FFC0CB).
public static final Color plum
The named color "Plum" (HTML color code #DDA0DD).
public static final Color powderBlue
The named color "Powder blue" (HTML color code #B0E0E6).
public static final Color purple
The named color "Purple" (HTML color code #800080).
public static final Color red
The named color "Red" (HTML color code #FF0000).
public static final Color rosyBrown
The named color "Rosy brown" (HTML color code #BC8F8F).
public static final Color royalBlue
The named color "Royal blue" (HTML color code #4169E1).
public static final Color saddleBrown
The named color "Saddle brown" (HTML color code #8B4513).
public static final Color salmon
The named color "Salmon" (HTML color code #FA8072).
public static final Color sandyBrown
The named color "Sandy brown" (HTML color code #F4A460).
public static final Color seaGreen
The named color "Sea green" (HTML color code #2E8B57).
public static final Color seaShell
The named color "Sea shell" (HTML color code #FFF5EE).
public static final Color sienna
The named color "Sienna" (HTML color code #A0522D).
public static final Color silver
The named color "Silver" (HTML color code #C0C0C0).
public static final Color skyBlue
The named color "Sky blue" (HTML color code #87CEEB).
public static final Color slateBlue
The named color "Slate blue" (HTML color code #6A5ACD).
public static final Color slateGray
The named color "Slate gray" (HTML color code #708090).
public static final Color snow
The named color "Snow" (HTML color code #FFFAFA).
public static final Color springGreen
The named color "Spring green" (HTML color code #00FF7F).
public static final Color steelBlue
The named color "Steel blue" (HTML color code #4682B4).
public static final Color tan
The named color "Tan" (HTML color code #D2B48C).
public static final Color teal
The named color "Teal" (HTML color code #008080).
public static final Color thistle
The named color "Thistle" (HTML color code #D8BFD8).
public static final Color tomato
The named color "Tomato" (HTML color code #FF6347).
public static final Color turquoise
The named color "Turquoise" (HTML color code #40E0D0).
public static final Color violet
The named color "Violet" (HTML color code #EE82EE).
public static final Color wheat
The named color "Wheat" (HTML color code #F5DEB3).
public static final Color white
The named color "White" (HTML color code #FFFFFF).
public static final Color whiteSmoke
The named color "White smoke" (HTML color code #F5F5F5).
public static final Color yellow
The named color "Yellow" (HTML color code #FFFF00).
public static final Color yellowGreen
The named color "Yellow green" (HTML color code #9ACD32).
Public Methods
int alpha()
Gets the alpha component of the receiver.
int blue()
Gets the blue component of the receiver.
Color brighter()
Gets a new Color that is a brighter version of the receiver.
Color darker()
Gets a new Color that is a darker version of the receiver.
boolean equals(Object other)
Gets a value indicating whether the receiving Color is equal to the specified object.
static Color fromRawColor(int rawColor)
Gets a Color that represents an Android color integer.
static Color getRandomColor()
Gets the random color.
static Color gray(int gray)
Gets a Color that represents a gray level, where a gray level of 0 is black and a gray level of 255 is white.
static Color gray(int gray, int alpha)
Gets a Color that represents a gray level with the specified alpha, where a gray level of 0 is black and a gray level of 255 is white.
int green()
Gets the green component of the receiver.
int hashCode()
Returns a hash code value for the object.
static Color hsv(float hue, float saturation, float value, int alpha)
Gets a Color that is composed of the specified hue, saturation, value, and alpha components.
static Color hsv(float hue, float saturation, float value)
Gets a Color that is composed of the specified hue, saturation, and value components.
float hue()
Gets the hue component of the receiver in the HSV color model.
boolean isOpaque()

Returns true if this color is opaque (it has an alpha of 255), or false if it has an alpha less than 255.

boolean isTransparent()

Returns true if this color is transparent (it has an alpha of 0), or false if it has an alpha greater than 0.

int red()
Gets the red component of the receiver.
static Color rgb(int red, int green, int blue)
Gets a Color that is composed of the specified red, green, and blue components.
static Color rgb(int red, int green, int blue, int alpha)
Gets a Color that is composed of the specified red, green, blue, and alpha components.
float saturation()
Gets the saturation component of the receiver in the HSV color model.
int toRawColor()
Gets the Android color integer that corresponds to the receiver.
String toString()
Gets a human-readable string representation of the color, in the format "Color([red], [green], [blue], [alpha])".
float value()
Gets the value component of the receiver in the HSV color model.
Color withAlpha(int alpha)
Gets a new Color that is chromatically the same as the receiver (it has the same red, green, and blue components), but with a different alpha component.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


public static final Color aliceBlue

The named color "Alice blue" (HTML color code #F0F8FF).

public static final Color antiqueWhite

The named color "Antique white" (HTML color code #FAEBD7).

public static final Color aqua

The named color "Aqua" (HTML color code #00FFFF).

public static final Color aquamarine

The named color "Aquamarine" (HTML color code #7FFFD4).

public static final Color azure

The named color "Azure" (HTML color code #F0FFFF).

public static final Color beige

The named color "Beige" (HTML color code #F5F5DC).

public static final Color bisque

The named color "Bisque" (HTML color code #FFE4C4).

public static final Color black

The named color "Black" (HTML color code #000000).

public static final Color blanchedAlmond

The named color "Blanched almond" (HTML color code #FFEBCD).

public static final Color blue

The named color "Blue" (HTML color code #0000FF).

public static final Color blueViolet

The named color "Blue violet" (HTML color code #8A2BE2).

public static final Color brown

The named color "Brown" (HTML color code #A52A2A).

public static final Color burlyWood

The named color "Burly wood" (HTML color code #DEB887).

public static final Color cadetBlue

The named color "Cadet blue" (HTML color code #5F9EA0).

public static final Color chartreuse

The named color "Chartreuse" (HTML color code #7FFF00).

public static final Color chocolate

The named color "Chocolate" (HTML color code #D2691E).

public static final Color clear

A convenience value representing a clear/transparent color.

public static final Color coral

The named color "Coral" (HTML color code #FF7F50).

public static final Color cornflowerBlue

The named color "Cornflower blue" (HTML color code #6495ED).

public static final Color cornsilk

The named color "Cornsilk" (HTML color code #FFF8DC).

public static final Color crimson

The named color "Crimson" (HTML color code #DC143C).

public static final Color cyan

The named color "Cyan" (HTML color code #00FFFF).

public static final Color darkBlue

The named color "Dark blue" (HTML color code #00008B).

public static final Color darkCyan

The named color "Dark cyan" (HTML color code #008B8B).

public static final Color darkGoldenRod

The named color "Dark golden rod" (HTML color code #B8860B).

public static final Color darkGray

The named color "Dark gray" (HTML color code #A9A9A9).

public static final Color darkGreen

The named color "Dark green" (HTML color code #006400).

public static final Color darkKhaki

The named color "Dark khaki" (HTML color code #BDB76B).

public static final Color darkMagenta

The named color "Dark magenta" (HTML color code #8B008B).

public static final Color darkOliveGreen

The named color "Dark olive green" (HTML color code #556B2F).

public static final Color darkOrange

The named color "Dark orange" (HTML color code #FF8C00).

public static final Color darkOrchid

The named color "Dark orchid" (HTML color code #9932CC).

public static final Color darkRed

The named color "Dark red" (HTML color code #8B0000).

public static final Color darkSalmon

The named color "Dark salmon" (HTML color code #E9967A).

public static final Color darkSeaGreen

The named color "Dark sea green" (HTML color code #8FBC8F).

public static final Color darkSlateBlue

The named color "Dark slate blue" (HTML color code #483D8B).

public static final Color darkSlateGray

The named color "Dark slate gray" (HTML color code #2F4F4F).

public static final Color darkTurquoise

The named color "Dark turquoise" (HTML color code #00CED1).

public static final Color darkViolet

The named color "Dark violet" (HTML color code #9400D3).

public static final Color deepPink

The named color "Deep pink" (HTML color code #FF1493).

public static final Color deepSkyBlue

The named color "Deep sky blue" (HTML color code #00BFFF).

public static final Color dimGray

The named color "Dim gray" (HTML color code #696969).

public static final Color dodgerBlue

The named color "Dodger blue" (HTML color code #1E90FF).

public static final Color fireBrick

The named color "Fire brick" (HTML color code #B22222).

public static final Color floralWhite

The named color "Floral white" (HTML color code #FFFAF0).

public static final Color forestGreen

The named color "Forest green" (HTML color code #228B22).

public static final Color fuchsia

The named color "Fuchsia" (HTML color code #FF00FF).

public static final Color gainsboro

The named color "Gainsboro" (HTML color code #DCDCDC).

public static final Color ghostWhite

The named color "Ghost white" (HTML color code #F8F8FF).

public static final Color gold

The named color "Gold" (HTML color code #FFD700).

public static final Color goldenRod

The named color "Golden rod" (HTML color code #DAA520).

public static final Color gray

The named color "Gray" (HTML color code #808080).

public static final Color green

The named color "Green" (HTML color code #008000).

public static final Color greenYellow

The named color "Green yellow" (HTML color code #ADFF2F).

public static final Color honeyDew

The named color "Honey dew" (HTML color code #F0FFF0).

public static final Color hotPink

The named color "Hot pink" (HTML color code #FF69B4).

public static final Color indianRed

The named color "Indian red" (HTML color code #CD5C5C).

public static final Color indigo

The named color "Indigo" (HTML color code #4B0082).

public static final Color ivory

The named color "Ivory" (HTML color code #FFFFF0).

public static final Color khaki

The named color "Khaki" (HTML color code #F0E68C).

public static final Color lavender

The named color "Lavender" (HTML color code #E6E6FA).

public static final Color lavenderBlush

The named color "Lavender blush" (HTML color code #FFF0F5).

public static final Color lawnGreen

The named color "Lawn green" (HTML color code #7CFC00).

public static final Color lemonChiffon

The named color "Lemon chiffon" (HTML color code #FFFACD).

public static final Color lightBlue

The named color "Light blue" (HTML color code #ADD8E6).

public static final Color lightCoral

The named color "Light coral" (HTML color code #F08080).

public static final Color lightCyan

The named color "Light cyan" (HTML color code #E0FFFF).

public static final Color lightGoldenRodYellow

The named color "Light golden rod yellow" (HTML color code #FAFAD2).

public static final Color lightGray

The named color "Light gray" (HTML color code #D3D3D3).

public static final Color lightGreen

The named color "Light green" (HTML color code #90EE90).

public static final Color lightPink

The named color "Light pink" (HTML color code #FFB6C1).

public static final Color lightSalmon

The named color "Light salmon" (HTML color code #FFA07A).

public static final Color lightSeaGreen

The named color "Light sea green" (HTML color code #20B2AA).

public static final Color lightSkyBlue

The named color "Light sky blue" (HTML color code #87CEFA).

public static final Color lightSlateGray

The named color "Light slate gray" (HTML color code #778899).

public static final Color lightSteelBlue

The named color "Light steel blue" (HTML color code #B0C4DE).

public static final Color lightYellow

The named color "Light yellow" (HTML color code #FFFFE0).

public static final Color lime

The named color "Lime" (HTML color code #00FF00).

public static final Color limeGreen

The named color "Lime green" (HTML color code #32CD32).

public static final Color linen

The named color "Linen" (HTML color code #FAF0E6).

public static final Color magenta

The named color "Magenta" (HTML color code #FF00FF).

public static final Color maroon

The named color "Maroon" (HTML color code #800000).

public static final Color mediumAquamarine

The named color "Medium aquamarine" (HTML color code #66CDAA).

public static final Color mediumBlue

The named color "Medium blue" (HTML color code #0000CD).

public static final Color mediumOrchid

The named color "Medium orchid" (HTML color code #BA55D3).

public static final Color mediumPurple

The named color "Medium purple" (HTML color code #9370D8).

public static final Color mediumSeaGreen

The named color "Medium sea green" (HTML color code #3CB371).

public static final Color mediumSlateBlue

The named color "Medium slate blue" (HTML color code #7B68EE).

public static final Color mediumSpringGreen

The named color "Medium spring green" (HTML color code #00FA9A).

public static final Color mediumTurquoise

The named color "Medium turquoise" (HTML color code #48D1CC).

public static final Color mediumVioletRed

The named color "Medium violet red" (HTML color code #C71585).

public static final Color midnightBlue

The named color "Midnight blue" (HTML color code #191970).

public static final Color mintCream

The named color "Mint cream" (HTML color code #F5FFFA).

public static final Color mistyRose

The named color "Misty rose" (HTML color code #FFE4E1).

public static final Color moccasin

The named color "Moccasin" (HTML color code #FFE4B5).

public static final Color navajoWhite

The named color "Navajo white" (HTML color code #FFDEAD).

public static final Color navy

The named color "Navy" (HTML color code #000080).

public static final Color oldLace

The named color "Old lace" (HTML color code #FDF5E6).

public static final Color olive

The named color "Olive" (HTML color code #808000).

public static final Color oliveDrab

The named color "Olive drab" (HTML color code #6B8E23).

public static final Color orange

The named color "Orange" (HTML color code #FFA500).

public static final Color orangeRed

The named color "Orange red" (HTML color code #FF4500).

public static final Color orchid

The named color "Orchid" (HTML color code #DA70D6).

public static final Color paleGoldenRod

The named color "Pale golden rod" (HTML color code #EEE8AA).

public static final Color paleGreen

The named color "Pale green" (HTML color code #98FB98).

public static final Color paleTurquoise

The named color "Pale turquoise" (HTML color code #AFEEEE).

public static final Color paleVioletRed

The named color "Pale violet red" (HTML color code #D87093).

public static final Color papayaWhip

The named color "Papaya whip" (HTML color code #FFEFD5).

public static final Color peachPuff

The named color "Peach puff" (HTML color code #FFDAB9).

public static final Color peru

The named color "Peru" (HTML color code #CD853F).

public static final Color pink

The named color "Pink" (HTML color code #FFC0CB).

public static final Color plum

The named color "Plum" (HTML color code #DDA0DD).

public static final Color powderBlue

The named color "Powder blue" (HTML color code #B0E0E6).

public static final Color purple

The named color "Purple" (HTML color code #800080).

public static final Color red

The named color "Red" (HTML color code #FF0000).

public static final Color rosyBrown

The named color "Rosy brown" (HTML color code #BC8F8F).

public static final Color royalBlue

The named color "Royal blue" (HTML color code #4169E1).

public static final Color saddleBrown

The named color "Saddle brown" (HTML color code #8B4513).

public static final Color salmon

The named color "Salmon" (HTML color code #FA8072).

public static final Color sandyBrown

The named color "Sandy brown" (HTML color code #F4A460).

public static final Color seaGreen

The named color "Sea green" (HTML color code #2E8B57).

public static final Color seaShell

The named color "Sea shell" (HTML color code #FFF5EE).

public static final Color sienna

The named color "Sienna" (HTML color code #A0522D).

public static final Color silver

The named color "Silver" (HTML color code #C0C0C0).

public static final Color skyBlue

The named color "Sky blue" (HTML color code #87CEEB).

public static final Color slateBlue

The named color "Slate blue" (HTML color code #6A5ACD).

public static final Color slateGray

The named color "Slate gray" (HTML color code #708090).

public static final Color snow

The named color "Snow" (HTML color code #FFFAFA).

public static final Color springGreen

The named color "Spring green" (HTML color code #00FF7F).

public static final Color steelBlue

The named color "Steel blue" (HTML color code #4682B4).

public static final Color tan

The named color "Tan" (HTML color code #D2B48C).

public static final Color teal

The named color "Teal" (HTML color code #008080).

public static final Color thistle

The named color "Thistle" (HTML color code #D8BFD8).

public static final Color tomato

The named color "Tomato" (HTML color code #FF6347).

public static final Color turquoise

The named color "Turquoise" (HTML color code #40E0D0).

public static final Color violet

The named color "Violet" (HTML color code #EE82EE).

public static final Color wheat

The named color "Wheat" (HTML color code #F5DEB3).

public static final Color white

The named color "White" (HTML color code #FFFFFF).

public static final Color whiteSmoke

The named color "White smoke" (HTML color code #F5F5F5).

public static final Color yellow

The named color "Yellow" (HTML color code #FFFF00).

public static final Color yellowGreen

The named color "Yellow green" (HTML color code #9ACD32).

Public Methods

public int alpha ()

Gets the alpha component of the receiver.

  • the alpha component of the receiver, between 0 and 255

public int blue ()

Gets the blue component of the receiver.

  • the blue component of the receiver, between 0 and 255

public Color brighter ()

Gets a new Color that is a brighter version of the receiver. The alpha value will remain the same.

  • a Color that is a brighter version of the receiver

public Color darker ()

Gets a new Color that is a darker version of the receiver. The alpha value will remain the same.

  • a Color that is a darker version of the receiver

public boolean equals (Object other)

Gets a value indicating whether the receiving Color is equal to the specified object. A Color is equal to another object if the other object is not null, a Color, and has identical red, green, blue, and alpha components as the receiver.

other the other object
  • true if the receiver is equal to the other object, or false if it is not

public static Color fromRawColor (int rawColor)

Gets a Color that represents an Android color integer.

rawColor the Android color integer
  • a Color that represents the specified Android color integer

public static Color getRandomColor ()

Gets the random color.

  • a random color

public static Color gray (int gray)

Gets a Color that represents a gray level, where a gray level of 0 is black and a gray level of 255 is white. Pure gray levels have red, green, and blue components that are all equal.

gray the gray level, between 0 and 255
  • a Color that represents the gray level

public static Color gray (int gray, int alpha)

Gets a Color that represents a gray level with the specified alpha, where a gray level of 0 is black and a gray level of 255 is white. Pure gray levels have red, green, and blue components that are all equal.

gray the gray level, between 0 and 255
alpha the alpha level, between 0 and 255
  • a Color that represents the gray level

public int green ()

Gets the green component of the receiver.

  • the green component of the receiver, between 0 and 255

public int hashCode ()

Returns a hash code value for the object.

  • a hash code value for the object

public static Color hsv (float hue, float saturation, float value, int alpha)

Gets a Color that is composed of the specified hue, saturation, value, and alpha components.

hue the hue component, between 0 (inclusive) and 360 (exclusive)
saturation the saturation component, between 0 and 1
value the value component, between 0 and 1
alpha the alpha component, between 0 and 255
  • a Color composed of the specified hue, saturation, value, and alpha components

public static Color hsv (float hue, float saturation, float value)

Gets a Color that is composed of the specified hue, saturation, and value components.

hue the hue component, between 0 (inclusive) and 360 (exclusive)
saturation the saturation component, between 0 and 1
value the value component, between 0 and 1
  • a Color composed of the specified hue, saturation, and value components

public float hue ()

Gets the hue component of the receiver in the HSV color model.

  • the hue component of the receiver, between 0 (inclusive) and 360 (exclusive)

public boolean isOpaque ()

Returns true if this color is opaque (it has an alpha of 255), or false if it has an alpha less than 255.

Notice that isOpaque() is not the strict opposite of isTransparent(). Colors with alpha between 1 and 254 will return false for both.

  • true if the color is opaque, false if it is not

public boolean isTransparent ()

Returns true if this color is transparent (it has an alpha of 0), or false if it has an alpha greater than 0.

Notice that isTransparent() is not the strict opposite of isOpaque(). Colors with alpha between 1 and 254 will return false for both.

  • true if the color is transparent, false if it is not

public int red ()

Gets the red component of the receiver.

  • the red component of the receiver, between 0 and 255

public static Color rgb (int red, int green, int blue)

Gets a Color that is composed of the specified red, green, and blue components.

red the red component, between 0 and 255
green the green component, between 0 and 255
blue the blue component, between 0 and 255
  • a Color composed of the specified red, green, and blue components

public static Color rgb (int red, int green, int blue, int alpha)

Gets a Color that is composed of the specified red, green, blue, and alpha components.

red the red component, between 0 and 255
green the green component, between 0 and 255
blue the blue component, between 0 and 255
alpha the alpha component, between 0 and 255
  • a Color composed of the specified red, green, blue, and alpha components

public float saturation ()

Gets the saturation component of the receiver in the HSV color model.

  • the saturation component of the receiver, between 0 and 1

public int toRawColor ()

Gets the Android color integer that corresponds to the receiver.

  • the Android color integer that corresponds to the receiver

public String toString ()

Gets a human-readable string representation of the color, in the format "Color([red], [green], [blue], [alpha])".

  • a human-readable string representation of the color

public float value ()

Gets the value component of the receiver in the HSV color model.

  • the value component of the receiver, between 0 and 1

public Color withAlpha (int alpha)

Gets a new Color that is chromatically the same as the receiver (it has the same red, green, and blue components), but with a different alpha component.

alpha the desired alpha component of the new color
  • a Color that is chromatically the same as the receiver but with a different alpha component