public abstract @interface


implements Annotation

Class Overview

Use this annotation on a subclass of Screen to specify the layout resource that should be inflated when that screen is displayed.

This annotation supports three usage forms:

This will search for a layout defined in the project's res/layout/foo.xml file. This is the preferred form, since it performs a more advanced search than the numeric "id" form below.
@ScreenLayout(id =
This will find the same layout as above, but using the auto-generated numeric ID of the layout resource instead.
When specified without parameters, a lookup based on the name of the class is performed. For example, if the annotation is placed on a class named MyScreen, then this will search for a layout in res/layout/myscreen.xml, followed by res/layout/my_screen.xml.

If you leave the @ScreenLayout annotation off a Screen subclass entirely, the behavior is identical to the third case above.


Inherited Methods
From interface java.lang.annotation.Annotation